Tips & Tricks
Best Tip

Tips & Tricks

Starting with probably the best tip I can give -- relying on someone else to solve your problem should be avoided no matter what. Always make sure you're double or even triple checking the resources (Documentation, installation instructions, etc) available to you BEFORE asking for support. Always refer to "Common Questions" or "FAQs" if there are any before resorting for help as 9 times out of 10, your problem will be answered there. The reason we've learned so much over the years of doing this is because we always try and learn how and why something works the way it does. Whenever we get errors, we try and figure out why and how the error happened. Why is this variable invalid? Why is this function erroring? etcetera.

Most helpful tip i can give is try your best to understand how and why something works the way it does.

PS. Google & YouTube are your friends, use them.