
Fire Signs

Warn the citizens of San Andreas with our fully customizable fire danger warning signs which can be easily set up across the map, and allow for on the spot changing of danger levels. Fully configurable, fully customizable, fully built for your RP needs.


  1. Download or update ox_lib. Make sure to download the release (opens in a new tab)
  2. Download TAM_FireSigns from Keymaster (opens in a new tab)
  3. Drag and drop both ox_lib and TAM_ChatToolBox into your resources folder.
  4. Add ox_lib and TAM_FireSigns to your server or resources.cfg. Always be sure that ox_lib is starting first
ensure ox_lib
ensure ox_target # If using it
ensure TAM_FireSigns
  1. Done! You're ready to configure it.


  1. Edit configuration.lua located at data/configiguration.lua in your favorite code editor/IDE to your liking.
  2. Optional - Edit the default spawns in data/spawns.lua

Config Explanation

Here's the available config options:

  • config.debug: boolean
    • Enable or disable debug commands. Default: true
  • config.commands: table
    • enabled: boolean
      • Should commands be enabled. Default: true
    • changeSignCommand: string
      • Command to change the closest sign's danger level. Default: "changedangerlevel"
    • addSignCommand: string
      • Debug command to create a new sign at the players position and copy the information to your clipboard to easily paste into the spawns.lua file. Default: "addsign"
    • delSignCommand: string
      • Debug command to delete the closest sign. Default: "delsign
    • delAllSignsCommand: string
      • Debug command to delete all signs on the server. Recommended to run this before restarting the resource to prevent crashing. Default: "delallsigns"
    • copyPedPosCommand: string
      • Debug command to copy your ped position to your clipboard in the format to easily paste into the spawns.lua file. Default "copypedpos'
    • copySignPosCommand: string
      • Debug command to copy the nearest signs position to your clipboard in the format to easily paste into the spawns.lua file. Default "copysignpos"
    • groups: string|boolean
      • The ace permission or job group (if using a framework). Default: false
    • commandDistance: integer
      • Distance to check closest sign for commands that require distance.
  • table
    • enabled: boolean
      • Enable or disable the 3d eye / target systemL Default: true
    • resource: string
      • Set the target resource. Supported: "ox_target", "custom". Default: "ox_target"
    • icon: string
      • Set ox_target icon. Accepts any font-awesome free icons. Can be ignored if using custom target resource. Default: "fas fa-fire"
    • distance: integer
      • Set ox_target interact distance. Can be ignored if using custom target resource. Default: 3
    • customTarget: function
      • Add your custom target function here. This gets ran on the client, and should not be iterated nor put in a thread. List of available models are: tam_firesign_a, tam_firesign_b, tam_firesign_c, tam_firesign_d, tam_firesign_e. Leave empty if not using a custom target resource.


You can remove or add custom locations around the map in the data/spawns.lua file. Be sure to follow this format:

    local spawns = {
          coords = {	-- xyz coordinants of where the sign should be.
              x = -1488.623779296875,
              y =  4989.982421875, 	
              z = 63.20363998413086	
          heading = 49.19453811645508, -- heading or rotation of the sign. May have to add 90 to it.
          model = `tam_firesign_a`-- model hash to spawn. Do not use GetHashKey()!
      }, -- don't forget a comma here.


You can easily change all locales in the locales directory. Edit the .json file of the respective language you want to change. Clients are able to set their preferred language via /ox_lib command. See more information here (opens in a new tab)

If you want to add a new language, simply copy one of the .json files and rename it to the relative ISO Language Code (opens in a new tab), then begin translating. If you wish to submit your translate to be release, please open a ticket in our Discord.