

This will go over the installation guide for TAM_Police. Please be sure to read this carefully and if you have any questions, feel free to ask in our Discord.

Install & setup all dependencies

Install optional dependencies

Download the latest release from CFX Portal (opens in a new tab)

(Optional) Configure resource integrations

This is optional, add these to your server.cfg above where the resources start.

    # Three Amigos Modding Cross-Resource Configuration
    # "auto" will automatically detect compatible resources/frameworks.
    setr tam:framework "auto" # "auto" | "qb" | "qbx" | "nd" | "esx" | "ox"
    setr tam:inventory "auto" # "auto" | "ox"
    setr tam:target "auto" # "auto" | "ox" 
    setr tam:notifications "ox" # "ox"

(Required if using inventory) Add the items & images.

Add the items from _INSTALL/items/items.lua to your ox_inventory/data/items.lua & the images from _INSTALL/items/images to the ox_inventory/web/images directory.

Add the resources to your server.cfg (or resources.cfg)

start ox_lib
start framework # the name of your framework (i.e. ND_Core, es_extended, qbx_core). This is not necessary if you are using standalone.
start ox_target # Optional
start ox_inventory # Optional
start TAM_Police


Developer Docs
