

Here's a list basic troubleshooting steps for TAM_Police.

OX Lib related problems

Resource Startup Errors

  • Resource must be named TAM_Police to function properly! Aborting loadup.
    • You have renamed the resource. Please ensure that the resource name is exactly TAM_Police or else it wont work. This is cAsE sEnSiTiVe
  • Error loading fxmanifest! Aborting loadup.
    • You have modified the fxmanifest.lua file and removed certain required fields. Please download the latest release from the CFX Portal (opens in a new tab) and replace the fxmanifest.lua file.
  • Error loading Configuration. Please be sure that the config file exists and there aren't any syntax errors! Aborting loadup.
    • You messed up the data/configuration.lua file. This is usually related to a syntax error. Double check the file for any syntax errors or other mistakes.
  • Error loading locales directory. Please be sure the en.json file exists! Aborting loadup.
    • The file locales/en.json is missing! This is required. If you wish to add more languages, please read this (opens in a new tab).
  • Error loading UI! UI Not built! Aborting Loadup.
    • The UI hasn't been built or has been modified in some way. Please download the latest release from the CFX Portal (opens in a new tab) and replace the web directory.
  • Error loading bridge module. Missing standalone bridge! Aborting loadup.
    • The bridge module has been messed up or is missing. Please download the latest release from the CFX Portal (opens in a new tab) and replace the modules/bridge directory.
  • Error loading audio. AWC File not found! Aborting loadup.
    • The custom sound effects were unable to load. Please download the latest release from the CFX Portal (opens in a new tab) and replace the audiodata and audiodirectory directories.
  • Missing dependency <insert dependency here>
    • You are missing the respective dependency. Please read this

X feature isn't working!

Please be sure that you haven't disabled the feature entirely, some features are also dependent on a target or inventory system.