On this page we will go over how to configure TAM_Fuel. All configuration files are in the data/
Main Configuration
The primary configuration file is data/configuration.lua
. Here you will find all of the primary configuration options.
config.debug = true -- Enable debug commands
-- Should users be able to customize various settings? (Load distances, hose styles, etc)
config.userSettings = true -- Note, if this is disabled, everything below is global. If enabled, the default settings are below.
config.spawnAdditionalGasPumps = true -- should the additional pumps defined in data/gasPumps.lua be spawned?
config.spawnChargers = true -- should the EV Chargers defined in data/chargerSpawns.lua be spawned?
config.spawnTanks = true -- should the gas tanks defined in data/tankSpawns.lua be spawned?
config.enableHose = true -- Should we use the hose or not? May be buggy, use at ur own discretion.
config.hoseStyle = 3 -- Hose style. 1 - Thin Khaki | 2 - Thick Khaki | 3 - Thick Black (Default) | 4 - Really thin Black
config.hoseLength = 10 -- Hose length
config.maxHoseLength = 20 -- The maximum hose length before it breaks.
config.explosionsEnabled = true -- Should the gas pumps explode when the hose is stretched too far.
config.enableFuelHud = true -- Enable or disable the fuel hud UI.
config.hudStyle = "classic" -- Classic or Modern
config.enableFuelUI = true -- Enable to disable the fuel UI
config.soundsEnabled = true -- Enable and disable the sound effects
config.entityLoadDistance = 100 -- The distance to load spawned props & peds in at.
config.enableBlips = true -- Should blips be enabled?
config.blipDisplay = "shown" -- How should blips be displayed? shown | nearby
config.fuelTickRate = 250 -- Fuel tick time in milliseconds. This is how often a vehicles fuel level will be updated.
-- Sets fuel consumption rate multiplier for all vehicles. This is a way to slow down or speed up fuel consumption for all vehicles at a time.
-- When the multiplier is set to 1 a default 65 litre gas tank car with average fuel consumption can stay idle for ~1.67 hours or run with max RPM for 15 minutes.
config.globalFuelConsumptionRate = 1.0 -- Default 1.0, don"t recommend changing.
config.inventory = {
enabled = false, -- Enable or disable inventory integration. This is currently for the jerry can functionality.
resource = "ox" -- Inventory Resource. Set custom in the respective bridge files per your framework.
config.colors = { -- Fuel bar UI colors depending on fuel type.
diesel = "#71ab95",
gas = "#F0A000",
electric = "#0096FF",
jetFuel = "#ADDFFF"
config.rate = {
gas = {
price = 0.15, -- price per tick
fillRate = 0.25, -- how much to fill per tick. (ie: every 250ms add 0.25%)
electric = {
price = 0.20, -- price per tick
fillRate = 0.25, -- how much to fill per tick. (ie: every 250ms add 0.25%)
diesel = {
price = 0.23, -- price per tick
fillRate = 0.25, -- how much to fill per tick. (ie: every 250ms add 0.25%)
jetFuel = {
price = 0.25, -- Price per tick,
fillRate = 0.25 -- How much to fill per tick. (ie: every 250ms add 0.25%)
config.jerryCan = {
enabled = true, -- enable refilling via Jerry can and purchasing a jerry can from pump/ped.
duration = 5000, -- Duration it takes to fill up car.
price = 1000, -- price to purchase jerry can.
refillPrice = 800, -- price to refill jerry can.
pumpEnabled = true, -- Should the player be able to purchase a jerry can from a pump?
pedsEnabled = true, -- Should the player be able to purchase a jerry can from a ped that spawns nearby?
pumps = {
`denis3d_prop_gas_pump` -- Gabz gas station pump model
} = {
enabled = true, -- should target be enabled. Currently this is the only way to interact with anything.
targetResource = "ox_target", -- target resource name. "ox_target" | "qb-target" | "custom".
distance = 4,
bones = { -- List of bones to detect for when placing or grabbing the nozzle from the vehicle - or fueling with a jerrycan.
config.progress = {
resource = "ox_lib", -- progress bar resource. Supports "ox_lib" or "custom"
type = "bar", -- Should use bar or circle? Only used if progressResource = "ox_lib"
customProgress = function() -- Put custom progress bar logic here.
if lib.progressBar({
duration = config.jerryCan.duration,
label = "Fueling Car",
useWhileDead = false,
canCancel = true,
disable = {
car = true,
move = true,
combat = true,
anim = {
dict = "weapon@w_sp_jerrycan",
clip = "fire"
}) then
return true -- return true when finished. This is important
return false -- Make sure to return false if cancelled or not finished. This is important.
config.gasModels = {
`denis3d_prop_gas_pump`, -- gabz pump
`amb_rox_caspump_pf` -- roxwood pump
config.electricModels = {
config.dieselModels = {
`denis3d_prop_gas_pump`, -- Gabz gas station pump model
`amb_rox_caspump_pf` -- roxwood pump
config.jetFuelModels = {
config.allPumpModels = {
`denis3d_prop_gas_pump`, -- Gabz gas station pump model
`amb_rox_caspump_pf` -- roxwood pump
config.pumpOffsets = {
[`utillitruck2`] = vec3(0, 0, -0.2),
[`prop_gas_tank_04a`] = vec3(0, 0, 2.5),
[`prop_gas_pump_1a`] = vec3(0, 0, 2.3),
[`prop_gas_pump_1c`] = vec3(0, 0, 2.3),
[`prop_gas_pump_1b`] = vec3(0, 0, 2.3),
[`prop_gas_pump_1d`] = vec3(0, 0, 2.3),
[`amb_rox_caspump_pf`] = vec3(0, 0, 2.3), -- roxwood pump
[`prop_vintage_pump`] = vec3(0, 0, 1.15),
[`denis3d_prop_gas_pump`] = vec3(0, 0, 2), -- Gabz gas station pump model
[`prop_gas_pump_old2`] = vec3(0, 0, 0.9),
[`prop_gas_pump_old3`] = vec3(0, 0, 0.9),
[`tam_ev_charger`] = vec3(0, 0, 0.7),
config.vehicleOffsets = {
[`emperor2`] = vec3(0, 0, -0.25),
[`neon`] = vec3(0, 0, -0.25),
[`dloader`] = vec3(0.2, 0.9, -0.25)
Gas station blip configuration
The gas station blip configuration is located in data/blips.lua
sprite = 361, -- Blip sprite
scale = 0.9, -- Blip scale
color = 47, -- Blip color
label = locale("blip_gas_station"), -- The label, to change whats displayed is in the locales directory.
coords = vector3(49.4187, 2778.793, 58.043), -- blip coords
You can find the blacklisted vehicles & classes in data/blacklisted.lua
local blacklisted = {
vehicles = { -- individual vehicle models you want to exclude from consuming any fuel/electricity
`bmx`, -- make sure to use backticks ` and not ' or "
classes = { -- vehicle classes you want to exclude from consuming any fuel/electricity
13 -- cycles
EV Charger spawns
You can find the EV charger spawn locations in data/chargerSpawns.lua
If debug is enabled you can use the command /spawncharger
to spawn a charger at your location and move it around with the gizmo. Once you confirm the placement, the information will be copied to your clipboard in order to easily paste it into the data file.
model = `tam_ev_charger`, -- Model name. Please note the usage of backticks ( ` ) and not ' or "
coords = vec3(1979.3096923828, 3786.5815429688, 31.091621398926), -- Coords
heading = 31.173387527466, -- heading
blip = {
enabled = true, -- Should a blip be displayed for this charger?
sprite = 620, -- Blip sprite
color = 26, -- blip color
label = locale("blip_ev_charger"), -- blip label. Change in locales directory
Pump spawns
You can find the additional gas pump spawn locations in data/pumpSpawns.lua
If debug is enabled you can use the command /spawnpump
to spawn the chosen pump at your location and move it around with the gizmo. Once you confirm the placement, the information will be copied to your clipboard in order to easily paste it into the data file.
model = `prop_gas_pump_old2`, -- Model name. Please note the usage of backticks ( ` ) and not ' or "
coords = vec3(-1488.623779296875, 4989.982421875, 63.2036399841308), -- Coords
heading = 49.19453811645508, -- heading
blip = {
enabled = false, -- Should a blip be displayed for this pump?
sprite = 361, -- Blip sprite
color = 47, -- blip color
label = locale("blip_gas_pump"), -- blip label. Change in locales directory
Ped spawns
You can find the ped spawn locations in data/pedSpawns.lua
model = `a_m_m_salton_02`, -- Ped model to spawn. Please note the usage of backticks ( ` ) and not ' or "
scenario = "WORLD_HUMAN_AA_SMOKE", -- Scenario to play on the ped.
coords = vec3(1778.3229980469, 3325.3488769531, 40.877124786377), -- Ped coords
heading = 308, -- Ped Heading
options = { -- if using ox_target, if not, leave this blank and setup ur own in the client-side bridge.
{ -- Highly discouraged to touch this unhless you're not using ox_target.
label = locale("buy_jerry_can"),
name = "buy_jerry_can_diesel",
icon = 'fas fa-gas-pump',
distance = 2,
canInteract = function(entity, distance, coords, name, bone)
return Config.jerryCan.pumpEnabled and Config.jerryCan.enabled and not Bridge.hasJerryCan()
onSelect = function(data)
label = locale("refill_jerry_can"),
name = "refill_jerry_can_diesel",
icon = 'fas fa-gas-pump',
distance = 2,
canInteract = function(entity, distance, coords, name, bone)
return Config.jerryCan.pumpEnabled and Config.jerryCan.enabled and Bridge.hasJerryCan()
onSelect = function(data)
blip = {
enabled = false, -- enable blip
sprite = 361, -- blip sprite
color = 6, -- blip color
scale = 0.9, -- blip scale
label = locale("blip_jerry_can_purchase"), -- blip label. Change in locales directory.
AVGas Tank Spawns
You can find the AV Gas tank spawn locations in data/tankSpawns.lua
If debug is enabled you can use the command /spawntank
to spawn the chosen tank at your location and move it around with the gizmo. Once you confirm the placement, the information will be copied to your clipboard in order to easily paste it into the data file.
model = `prop_gas_tank_04a`, -- Model name. Please note the usage of backticks ( ` ) and not ' or "
coords = vec3(1754.6345214844, 3230.7419433594, 41.218826293945), -- Coords
heading = 0.021085804328322, -- heading
blip = {
enabled = true, -- Should a blip be displayed for this pump?
sprite = 424, -- Blip sprite
color = 2, -- blip color
label = locale("blip_avgas_tank"), -- blip label. Change in locales directory
Diesel Vehicles
You can find the configuration for diesel vehicles in data/dieselVehicles.lua
return {
`apc`, -- Please note the usage of backticks ( ` ) and not ' or "
Electric Vehicles
You can find the configuration for electric vehicles in data/electricVehicles.lua
return {
`airtug`, -- Please note the usage of backticks ( ` ) and not ' or "
AVGas / JetFuel Vehicles
You can find the configuration for jetfuel vehicles in data/jetFuelVehicles.lua
return {
`akula`, -- Please note the usage of backticks ( ` ) and not ' or "
Fuel rate configs
You can setup the fuel rates per vehicle RPM percentage and per vehicle class in the data/fuelRates.lua
rpm = { -- First number is RPM percent, second is fuel usage multiplier.
[1.0] = 1.3,
[0.9] = 1.1,
[0.8] = 0.9,
[0.7] = 0.8,
[0.6] = 0.7,
[0.5] = 0.5,
[0.4] = 0.3,
[0.3] = 0.2,
[0.2] = 0.1,
[0.1] = 0.1,
[0.0] = 0.0,
class = { -- First number is class, see GetVehicleClass() Second is fuel usage multiplier.
[0] = 0.5, -- Compacts
[1] = 0.7, -- Sedans
[2] = 0.9, -- SUVs
[3] = 0.7, -- Coupes
[4] = 0.8, -- Muscle
[5] = 0.7, -- Sports Classics
[6] = 0.8, -- Sports
[7] = 0.8, -- Super
[8] = 0.9, -- Motorcycles
[9] = 0.9, -- Off-road
[10] = 0.9, -- Industrial
[11] = 0.7, -- Utility
[12] = 0.8, -- Vans
[13] = 0.0, -- Cycles
[14] = 0.5, -- Boats
[15] = 0.5, -- Helicopters
[16] = 0.5, -- Planes
[17] = 0.5, -- Service
[18] = 0.5, -- Emergency
[19] = 0.7, -- Military
[20] = 0.7, -- Commercial
[21] = 0.0, -- Trains
Per player configuration menu
Players can open a client-sided configuration menu via the command /fuelsettings
. This will show a menu in-game with various config options, this allows your players to customize their experience.
Disable exploding pumps
You enable/disable the exploding pumps by editing the fxmanifest.lua
Remove the first --
to DISABLE pumps exploding upon impact. Instead they will fragment apart.
-- data_file "DLC_ITYP_REQUEST" "tam_fuel_no_exploding_pumps.ytyp" -- Uncomment to disable pumps exploding on impact.
Locals / Language
All of the respective language/locales can be changed in the locales
Users can set their language via the /ox_lib
command in-game if its enabled. If the language file doesn't exist, it defaults to English.