On this page we will go over how to configure TAM_BugReports. All configuration files are in the data/
directory or are done via convars.
Main Configuration
The primary configuration file is data/configuration.lua
. Here you will find all of the primary configuration options.
config.cooldown = 300000 -- Cooldown time in miliseconds. This is set to 300000 (15 minutes) by default.
config.identifier = 'license' -- The identifier to link to the player. Will be formated like: Username | Identifier. Available options are:
config.loggerEnabled = false -- Should we use ox_libs logger functionality?
config.githubEnabled = false -- Should we create a github issue when a user submits a bug report?
config.discordEnabled = true -- Should we send a Discord embed via webhook when a user submits a bug report?
config.embedConfig = {
username = "TAM_BugReports", -- The bots username
logo = "" -- Direct image link to the bots profile picture.
config.keybind = {
enabled = true, -- Should there be a keybind setup to open the UI?
defaultKey = "F10"
config.severity = { -- List of available severity options
config.types = { -- List of available bug report types.
Convar Configuration
These convars are used for confidential information that shouldn't be replicated to the client.
set tamReports:githubToken "GITHUB_PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN" # Your github personal access token
set tamReports:githubRepo "REPO_NAME" # The github repository name to open the issue on.
set tamReports:githubOrg "ORG_NAME" # The github organization / user that owns the github repository.
set tamReports:discordWebhook "DISCORD_WEBHOOK" # The webhook URL to send discord messages to.
Locals / Language
All of the respective language/locales can be changed in the locales
Users can set their language via the /ox_lib
command in-game if its enabled. If the language file doesn't exist, it defaults to English.