Chat Toolbox

Chat Toolbox

Easily and quickly create as many commands as you'll ever need with this modular toolbox at your disposal! Offering many commands out of the box with support for all of the major frameworks (and standalone!) out of the box.


  1. Download or update ox_lib. Make sure to download the release (opens in a new tab)
  2. Download TAM_ChatToolBox from Github (opens in a new tab) or Keymaster (opens in a new tab)
  3. Drag and drop both ox_lib and TAM_ChatToolBox into your resources folder.
  4. Add ox_lib and TAM_ChatToolBox to your server or resources.cfg. Always be sure that ox_lib is starting first
ensure ox_lib
ensure TAM_changelog
  1. Done! You're ready to configure it.


  1. Edit config.lua located at data/config.lua in your favorite code editor/IDE to your liking.
  2. Edit commands.lua located at data/commands.lua in your favorite code editor/IDE to your liking. See here (opens in a new tab) for all the available options
  3. Edit server.lua located at modules/callbacks/modules.lua in your favorite code editor/IDE to your liking. See here (opens in a new tab) for all the available options
  4. Edit modes.lua located at data/modes.lua in your favorite code editor/IDE to your liking. See here (opens in a new tab) for all the available options

Command Parameters

We've setup commands to be dynamic, meaning you can register as many commands as you want.

In order to change the command name, change the string that's infront of it. Ex: commands["commandName"] = {options}

Here's the available options:

  • enabled: boolean
    • Enable or disable the command.
  • description: string
    • The description or help text to display when the command is entered.
  • global?: boolean
    • Enable or disabling the command being seen by everyone on the server or just locally.
    • If not specified, it defaults to global.
  • groups: string or table or boolean
    • Group(s) that have the permission to use the command, set to false to allow everyone.
    • Specify either the name of an ace perm group or the name of a ND Core group.
  • params?: table[]
    • name: string
    • type: 'string' or 'number' or 'playerId'
    • help: string
    • optional: parameter
  • prefix?: string
    • The prefix that ammended to the message
  • message?: string
    • Message to send back in the chat to the player when the command is ran.


Callbacks are functions that are ran for the specific command, for example:

callbacks["players"] = function(source, args, rawCommand, info)
    local players = Bridge.getPlayerCount()
    TriggerClientEvent("chat:addMessage", source, {args = {info.prefix .. ("There are currently %s players online"):format(players)}})

will send a chat message saying the current number of players on the server whenever someone runs the players command.

Mode Parameters

Modes are chat modes that are setup to be modular to add unlimited chat modes.

Here's the list of options:

  • displayName: string
    • What the display name should be for the chat mode.
  • color: string
    • Color of the display name on the chat box.
  • groups: string or table or boolean
    • Groups that have access to see & send messages in the mode.
    • Set to false to allow all players to see messages.
  • prefix: string or boolean
    • Prefix to ammend to messages sent in this group.
    • Set to false to disable.